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Where did we humans fail??

For those who argue that Human is the superior form of God's creation and existence then wondering whether they have any answer for this question - How did trees/plants discovered that solar energy is the infinte and most reliable source of energy and why did we human's failed??

Please read this to know what can we learn from Trees the super efficient creatures on this earth.
This one is incredible as this is done by a 13 year old prodigy who took inspiration from the life giving tree and its structure designed to trap the solar energy. This innovation is marvelous both in its observation and understanding of natures design and incredible as it was done by a 13 year old kid. I can see the future generations are going to be more responsible and better at the development of technology than us.

The science embedded in the design of the Tree.. Please  Read Aidan’s award-winning and inspiring essay here,

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