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How to compost at home using container pots

One of my favourite green practices is to recycle my veggie and fruit peel waste into valuable nutrients that can be returned to the soil. As more and more people in urban settings live in smaller and smaller spaces, here is a simple and effective way to do composting even in a tiny apartment.
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Call for Proposal: UNFPII

Indigenous Voices at the United Nations

The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is an advisory body to the Economic and Social Council, with a mandate to discuss indigenousissues related to economic and social development, culture, theenvironment, education, health and human rights.

Applications for grants under the Small Grants Programme under the Second Decade will be accepted between 1 July 2010 and 1 October 2010.Applications are to be submitted to: indigenousfund@un.orgduring this time period. Applications submitted outside of this timeperiod or to other email addresses will not be considered for funding.The proposals will be assessed by the Bureau of the UN Permanent Forumon Indigenous Issues in May 2011 and successful applicants will receivenotice thereafter. A list of organizations awarded grants will also beposted on this website.

Please note:
- Project must have a focus on indigenous peoples
-All applicants must submit their project proposals in accordance withthe Trust Fund Project Proposal Format and include both a summary sheetand a proposal document
- Projects will be disregarded if the required information is not present.
- Additional information pertaining to the proposal will not be accepted beyond the deadline of submission (1 October 2011)

For more information click the link:

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