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Details are as below :

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  1. Objective    : To augment ground water and rejuvenate our Aquifer.
  2. Roof type    : Traditional, slopping roof.
  3. Water fall   : Free fall.
  4. Rainfall       : 900 mm.
  5. Potential     : 5.2 lakh litres per year
  6. Application : Recharge in a dedicated recharge bore well.
  7. Retention.   : Precast chamber with air vents
  8. Recharge     :  Direct, recharge at a depth of 200 ft
  9. Casing Pipe : 140 mm dia
  10. Casing type. : Slotted
  11. Development : Hydrological development by compressed air
  12. No of Rooftop filters : 6 Units
  13. Rain gutters : Rain water gutters are connected with inlet of NeeRainEco filters
  14. Benefits  :
    1. Recharge of 5.2 lakh litres of fresh, soft rainwater every year.
    2. Prevention of depletion of groundwater levels
    3. Rejeunvate the surrounding aquifers
    4. Prevent water logging in school premise

NeeRainEco rainwater filters and a dedicated recharge well will save huge 5.2 Lakh litre of rainwater every year.  Please explore this video for live experience.   More water per Rain, with NeeRain.





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NeeRain Pvt Ltd

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Rainwater harvesting is a great way to save, reuse and recycle water in India. However, it takes an immense amount of space and cost to set up, and maintain.

NeeRain, a Gujarat-based…

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Rainwater harvesting is an important cause and requires consistent efforts. The best quality filtered water arrives at the doorstep of every individual, and we must prevent it from going…

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“Water water everywhere, not a drop to drink” is something we all have recited and heard numerous times. Since childhood, we have been taught to be mindful of water consumption and how conservation is…

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NeeRainEco is ready to use Simple, Smart and Sensible Rainwater filter.  


Benefits are :

1. Two stages of filtration. 

2. First ‘Live harvesting’ 

3. No water loss

4. No stagnant impurities 

5. ABS…

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This jhumar has been self knitted by our ngo workers and they are intiating to introduce this wonderful and washable piece in just 800 INR /-


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