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How Tiger Habitats can save us from COVID 19: Day out with Dr. Madhu Verma!

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We are proud to nominate Dr. Madhu Verma, Chief Economist, World Resource Institute, India as our next "Paryavaran Star".
This week we celebrated "World Tiger Day" on July 29. Following the celebrations, catch her LIVE on Social media with Chandra Kishore, Founder, Indian Environment Network talking about how Tiger Habitats can save us from the present pandemic .
The interview was broadcasted on and Facebook and youtube on Sunday, August 2, 8:30 PM India time/ Aug 2 11 AM US EST.
Few questions we talked about:
1. How nature and recent pandemic are related to one another?
2. Why Tiger bearing forest matter?
3. Why Tiger habitats are called “Engines of Economic Growth?
4. What is one health approach against pandemic and how does it connect to wildlife population?
5. How can win this battle against the pandemic and prepare for the bigger war to save the environment?
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Dr. Madhu Verma is the Chief Economist at the World Resources Institute (WRI) at Delhi, India. Dr. Verma is a Fulbright Nehru Environmental Leadership Fellow (2012); a International Leadership in Environment & Development (LEAD) Fellow, London, UK, Cohort 12 (2007), an Indian Society of Ecological Economics (INSEE) Fellow (2019) and currently on the Board of the International Society for Ecological Economics.
She has been an expert/team member/contributing author/ lead author in several international reports like the UN’s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Report (2004-06); The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity (TEEB) Reports; and the Global Biodiversity Assessment Report of the Inter-Governmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services (IPBES) (2013-2019). Dr. Verma’s work at WRI India mainly focuses on providing a thread of economics across various programmes along with supporting the global economics team. She is leading WRI India’s Flagship Study on ‘Approaches for Doubling Farmers Income in India - Agroecological System based Considerations’.
Dr. Madhu joins Indian Environment Network committing herself to be a "mentor" to the next generation of environment and development professionals who would like to tread her path! Join the network as a "patron" member to connect with her.
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