Is Water Really Scarce?

Is Water Really Scarce?

Answer to my question may seem to be very obvious i.e. "YES", however i have contradictions to this. According to my best of the knoweledge water will never be scarce on our planet.

We often mistake water with fresh water. I agree that fresh water (aquifers, rivers, glaciers) is depleting at a very rapid pace and the graph is ever surging. This is due to our rapid civilization, industrialization, population growth and lower mortality rate. But the water itself is not losing its characterstics, it is in a different physical form that is not suitable for human use. Our hydrological cycle is still into existence but our earth is not able to seep that water due to concrete blanket over it. This water thus overflows into nalas then to rivers and ultimately mixes with marine water.

Since inception of mankind, we have taken water as granted and have believed that water is available free in nature.

Purifying any form of water to drinking form, cost some energy and that is what takes on our pocket.

I strongly believe that the real problem is NOT WATER BUT ENERGY.

Comments and suggestions invited.

RAjat Bansal

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  • Water is not a problem,but its usage is the problem..By using water efficient fittings and proper methods of rainwater harvesting and recycling of wastewater ,existing water crisis can be solved easily.
  • Rajat - India has abundant supply of fresh, drinking water through abundant rainfall. the problem is we do not have sufficient storage. Can we create manmade lakes outside each village? Can we desilt lakes supplying water to cities, say like Mumbai, so that its storage can be increased? Can NREGS scheme of the PM aim to create these lakes rather than just break rocks? Can new methods of rain water storage be implemented? The idea of our former PM of linking rivers was not a feather-brained idea come to think of it.
  • I agree with you Mr. Rajat. Real problem is perhaps energy (along with money) but generating this energy should also be planned. Optimization of the methodology for generating the energy is also a crucial issue
  • Yes, if you need in time and space where it does not meet your demands.
  • I agree that water is not scared on earth. Since we are talking about the drinking water , it is really scared because it not available sufficient uniformly all over the regions. Water is useful as long as it is in usable form for humen being other wise it is just a liquid . Energy is not an issue because we further need water for energy production for that planty of water is availableon earth.
  • My dear water is also a form of energy i.e. outcome of energy.What ever we do that affects to change nature and purity of water in the form in which it exists in natural fomd. Suppose river water we donot put any energy to make this river water(ganga) and it was in the purest form.Now we by our activities made it dirty.We have to act in a way not to disturb these natural purest drainage system of nature then there will not be problem of energy.
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