
Food Innovation @ University of Greenwich

The MSc programme in Food Innovation By University of Greenwich has been designed to provide students with knowledge and understanding of key steps in the development and launch of new ingredients and products to contribute to healthy living and lifestyles. The programme is based upon the strengths and expertise of staff working in the Faculty of Engineering and Science, including the Natural Resources Institute and covers subjects which include: human nutrition and public health; food chemistry and biochemistry, functional foods, marketing and economics; new product and process development; food packaging; food safety and quality management; food legislation; applied food microbiology, creative thinking, sustainability and entrepreneurship.

The MSc programme in Food Innovation is aimed at: graduates who want to develop a career path in the food industry in the area of product development; for students who have not followed an undergraduate programme in food science or technology and for professionals working in the food industry who want to participate in the programme, either in a part-time mode or by following a continuing professional development (CPD) model. Students with backgrounds in Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition, Biotechnology and Hospitality are encouraged to join the programme.

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  • Great idea. This must be adopted elsewhere too. It has research incorporated.

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