Mining Emission Factor (MINEFACT) Calculator

We are pleased to announce release of MINEFACT v.0 - an useful tool for the air dispersion modelers; handling mining projects.

MINEFACT is Mining Emission Factor calculator which has been adopted from Appendix A of the Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Mining and Processing of Non-Metallic Minerals. The manual includes emission factors for the processing on non-metallic minerals sourced from the U.S. EPA AP-42 (1995). 

The available options are:

  1. Bulldozing Coal
  2. Bulldozer on Overburden
  3. Blasting
  4. Dragline Operation
  5. Drilling
  6. Highwall Mining
  7. Loading Truck with Overburdan
  8. Loading to Trucks by Shovel
  9. Loading and Unloading Trucks
  10. Topsoil Removal by Scraper
  11. Truck unloading Overburden
  12. Truck unloading Coal
  13. Use of Grader
  14. Wheel Generated Dust from Unpaved Roads
  15. Wind Erosion from active Coal Stockpiles
  16. Misc. Transfer and Conveying

MINEFACT is an AERMODCloud add-on.


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