
Here's a communication by Govt. of India formally committing to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 20-25% by 2020. Do share your reaction on the effort. HAve we gone too far or done too little??



Press Note

30th January 2010

India has sent a communication today to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conveying information on India’s domestic mitigation actions.

In view of the current debate underway in the international climate change negotiations, the Government of India has formally conveyed to the UNFCCC that India will endeavour to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 20-25% by 2020 in comparison to the 2005 level through domestic mitigation actions. While these actions will be in the nature of India’s contribution to the global efforts to address climate change, India has clarified that its domestic mitigation actions will be entirely voluntary in nature and will not have a legally binding character. The mitigation actions will also not apply to agriculture sector. The emissions from agriculture sector will be excluded from the assessment of emissions intensity.

India’s mitigation actions will be taken in accordance with the principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention. The Convention requires that the developed country parties known as Annex I Parties undertake mitigation commitments with specific quantified targets to reduce their emissions, while the developing countries like India take mitigation actions in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibility and respective capability. India intends to implement its mitigation actions in accordance with the provisions of the relevant national legislations and policies and will elaborate in due course the actions required in various sectors to achieve the overall objective of the emissions intensity reduction.


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    Dear all


    Reg indias committment to reduce emissions by 20-25% in 2020, I FEEL INDIA HAS TO REVIEW THIS AFTER GOING THRO A SCIENTIFIC / SYSTEMATIC analysis of data base and WHAT ARE ALL THE WAYS & MEANS TO CUT EMISSIONS + yearly action plan upto 2020!!.This is my view




  • Wow, I am surprised there is hardly any discussion here. This communication is exceptionally assertive on the government's behalf, especially with respect to the kind of demographic and economic growth in the cards for the nation over the next decade. I am wondering what leverage can be employed in making future global climate commitments for developed countries that assume that developing nations will not actively pursue stringent limits on greenhouse gases. Also, what foresight has allowed this decision, what with the generalized direction which India is headed towards - progress. I would love to learn more about the specific initiatives that are being employed, amidst rising concerns about failed Carbon Credits programs (like the Coldplay forest in Karnataka). Some authors I read also cautioned against REDD as a solely environmental mechanism, underscoring the necessity to allow local economies and culture to thrive - something very necessary in our country, the cradle of civilization.
  • It is interesting to know that the ministry is trying to achieve such a target. However I would like to understand is REDD being considered in this action. Also will not REDD plus have a larger influence on the reduction of carbon emissions?
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