Does mphil degree add a weightage to our qualification or not? I have completed my msc. in environmental science. Should i go for mphil in environmental management? In today's time is it valuable or not? Pls guide me

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  • Best reply, so far...

    Shabdendu Pathak said:

    Agree with previous comment....Definitely it will add wiightage.... But if u r planning for research/academics better to go for PhD directly as I guess for academics u will still need to clear NET/PhD, apart from your M.Phil. Otherwise getting job experience and doing some professional courses part time would be more beneficial.
    Does mphil degree add weightage to our qualification?
    Does mphil degree add a weightage to our qualification or not? I have completed my msc. in environmental science. Should i go for mphil in environmen…
  • Agree with previous comment....Definitely it will add wiightage.... But if u r planning for research/academics better to go for PhD directly as I guess for academics u will still need to clear NET/PhD, apart from your M.Phil. Otherwise getting job experience and doing some professional courses part time would be more beneficial.
  • Dear Garima,

    It is good if you are looking career in academics else start searching job in the field of Environment Management in private sector & take work experience  .......grow in your desired field.


    Ratnakar Pandey

  • Go ahead with it...if you particularly want to keep to research through academia or related institutions.

    If not then you can do without it too..In that case I would suggest take some other relevant short program for your professional interest than spending time on a full M.Phil.

  • Hey even I am thinking on the same lines! I guess its valuable incase you plan to complete your PhD in the given field. or else its always more preferable to take work experience if you want to work in the industry.

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