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Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI) represents a unique professional development initiative to provide a platform for outstanding young faculty and practitioners from the global south and emerging economies to engage in a sustained, high-level intellectual and policy dialogue with leading scholars in their fields. The institutes will be held June 9-23, 2012. To learn more about the program visit our website,

BIARI 2012 will comprise four institutes, including an institute focusing on Climate Change:

- Climate Change and its Impacts: Regional Approaches

To understand and predict the interacting effects of increased greenhouse gas concentrations, climate and economic teleconnections, and regional scale changes in economic development and land use, interdisciplinary approaches are vital. This Institute will bring together scholars from social, physical and life sciences to focus on the study of coupled human-natural systems at the regional level; and how such study generates templates for adaptation at local, national and regional levels, and key inputs for decision-makers. Themes will include predicted changes in regional hydrologic cycles; resilience of existing social, economic, civil, ecological and agricultural systems to likely changes; the potential of local, national or multinational institutions to increase the resilience of these systems; and what can be learned from one region to inform science and governance in other regions. Participants will develop interdisciplinary approaches through project-based collaboration and proposal writing. Application are especially welcome from scholars interested in evidence-based policymaking.

The Institutes are academically rigorous and admission is highly competitive. Financial support is available for international participants.

The online application process is now open through the BIARI website.

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