Does any know how to biologically treat RO and softening plant rejects? The rejects typically have very high TDS (20,000 gms/L+) and high Chloride content. Would appreciate any inputs on the same along with links to case studies if possible.

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  • Thank you Dr. Ketpley for the link. It does make an interesting read. We plan to use microbes to break down the trace metals and chemicals into organic chellates. Let us see if it works!!

  • Kindly see if you can get some information from the following Ph.D. Thesis link

  • Thank you Dr. Singh. We have never heard of SPLASH & MEE systems. We are trying to dig for data on the net. In case you have any links or documents., then kindly share with us. This is really interesting!!

  • Yes Shree Sanjay Ji now the situation is different coz biological cover more space; you can see possibilities of  SPLASH system & MEE (condensate can reuse) too..produced salt can be used in land fill / mix with soil can be utilized for gardening / other use

  • yes, phyto-remediation is a technology to treat pollution in wastewater. The issues here are a little different. Apologies for not giving more data. The total volume of rejects is 1 MLD and the sewage is already being treated in the existing ETP itself. Thus, there is no more water to dilute the TDS or Chloride compounds. Since both CWs and reed bed systems require high HRT, we would need to create wetlands or reed beds with a volume of 4-5 MLD at least. We would need to compare the cost of this project with a De-mineralization plant to assess its feasibility!!

  • Thank you Dr. Singh for your comments. Yes, it seems like a simple idea.

  • Some  people have tried root zone technology with specific plants absorbing high TDS.

  • Shree Sanjay Jee

    the answer of this question depend up the acceptability of the method b,coz technically at such TDS biological treatment fails, if you particularly interested in biological treatment it advised dilute it with sewage water & get TDS level b/w 8K-9K mg/l. then it can bet biological treated (in CWs & HRT Systems) resulted outflow can be used in green development..the technology is very low cost & almost zero maintenance.  

    hope it may be helpful!

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